Group activities


Please check that the groups or activities are still running before attending.


St Paul's tots

A toddlers group that meets on a Monday 10:00am till 12:00pm. There is an area for young ones and toddlers alike, with many different toys for them to interact and play with. It is a great social meeting place for parents and guardians to have a chat while the children play.

Messy Church

Our Messy church congregation meets every 6 – 8 weeks. We are a friendly mix of children and adults and will always welcome new members.

We enjoy a range of craft activities and games along with an interactive bible story and sometimes finish with a song.

Since the pandemic we have suspended refreshments but we hope to start very soon.

Please have a look at our Messy church Facebook page for updates

Hope to see you there.



Sew, knit and natter

10.30 am to 12.30 pm fortnightly on Mondays in the Upper Hall. The cost of each meeting is £2.50 including tea or coffee. Sewing machines will be made available and there will be some materials provided, (if you wish to make larger items, you will need to provide the fabric).

There’s absolutely no obligation to make anything if you’d just like to come for some company, but if you do, beginners will be welcome as well as more experienced knitters and sewers. We hope that people will share their enthusiasm and skills in these crafts and pastimes. All welcome! Please contact Dorothy Scarratt on 07565920657 if you’d like to know more.

Norton Lees Ladies Group

We meet on 1st Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Place in church with speakers, tea, cake and chat, from 7:30 to 9 pm.

This informal friendly group is for women to meet once a month for friendship, fun, support and companionship.

Women of all ages are most welcome. We arrange outings and trips at least twice a year.

Visitors are welcome to attend meetings to find out more, for a small charge.

To find out more contact Margaret October on 0114 2581878 or just join us at one of our meetings, we look forward to meeting you.
